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{Genome-wide association study of preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm)

Title{Genome-wide association study of preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsHigbee, DH, Lirio, A, Hamilton, F, Granell, R, Wyss, AB, London, SJ, Bartz, TM, Gharib, SA, Cho, MH, Wan, E, Silverman, E, Crapo, JD, Lominchar, JVT, Hansen, T, Grarup, N, Dantoft, T, rhus, L, Linneberg, A, O'Connor, GT, Dupuis, J, Xu, H, De Vries, MM, Hu, X, Rich, SS, Barr, RG, Manichaikul, A, Wijnant, SRA, Brusselle, GG, Lahousse, L, Li, X, Cordero, AI ndez, Obeidat, M, Sin, DD, Harris, SE, Redmond, P, Taylor, AM, Cox, SR, Williams, AT, Shrine, N, John, C, Guyatt, AL, Hall, IP, G. Smith, D, Tobin, MD, Dodd, JW
JournalEur Respir J
Date PublishedJan
Abstract{0.70. PRISm is associated with respiratory symptoms and comorbidities. Our objective was to discover novel genetic signals for PRISm and see if they provide insight into the pathogenesis of PRISm and associated comorbidities.\ We undertook a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of PRISm in UK Biobank participants (Stage 1), and selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reaching genome-wide significance for replication in 13 cohorts (Stage 2). A combined meta-analysis of Stage 1 and Stage 2 was done to determine top SNPs. We used cross-trait linkage disequilibrium score regression to estimate genome-wide genetic correlation between PRISm and pulmonary and extrapulmonary traits. Phenome-wide association studies of top SNPs were performed.\ =0.12
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